You owe nothing unless we recover for you
Gee has gotten millions of dollars for clients. Don’t be fooled by fake TV lawyers who speak of maritime skills. Call Gee—no pressure—right away you’ll understand Gee gets it. Gee specializes in maritime law, which is tricky and complex. You need this power, or you could really mess up!
With his office based in Lafayette, LA, Gee is readily accessible to Louisiana maritime workers.
With continuous research on the rulings and developments related to the Jones Act, Longshore Harbor Workers Compensation Act, and general maritime tort law, Gee works diligently to stay current on maritime law. His commitment to ongoing education ensures that he can help clients seek maximum dollar recovery for offshore injuries.

boat and vessel accidents

jones act and seaman claims

drilling and other offshore accidents

production platform

commercial diving accidents
inland barge
jack-up drilling rig
semi-submersible rig
lifting incidents
slips and falls
vessel collisions
incidents with crane
explosions and fires
unsafe equipment
helicopter crashes
push/tug boat
longshore and harbor
workers’ compensation act
barge accidents
If you or a family member has been seriously injured or killed as a result of a maritime accident, contact a highly skilled offshore maritime lawyer before you discuss the accident with anyone else. Gee’s legal team can guide you through your next steps.
We Go After Much-Needed Compensation For Your Injuries
Maritime work sites can be extremely challenging to work in. When you are injured it can put your career at risk – the worse the injury, the more difficult it will be to ever work in the same capacity. Yet you still need to pay your bills, take care of your family and cover your medical expenses. Often insurance payouts and workers’ compensation are not enough.
Gee’s Lafayette maritime legal team understands the challenges you face following an injury. We have helped hundreds of injured maritime workers following offshore accidents. We know how important it is that you get top dollar for your injuries.